API Docs
Name | type | Description |
GazeTracker | class | The main class that captures the user's face through the device's camera, processes it, and provides gaze data. |
GazeTrackerOptions | class | Configuration options for creating a GazeTracker . |
GazeTrackerOptions.builder | class | A builder for configuring and creating a GazeTrackerOptions instance. |
GazeInfo | class | A class that contains information about gaze tracking. |
FaceInfo | class | A class containing information about face tracking. |
BlinkInfo | class | Represents information about eye blinking. |
UserStatusInfo | class | Represents information about user is status |
OneEuroFilterManager | class | The OneEuroFilterManager class manages multiple One Euro Filters. |
InitializationDelegate | protocol | A delegate protocol to receive the results of the GazeTracker initialization. |
TrackingDelegate | protocol | A delegate protocol to receive real-time tracking data from the GazeTracker . |
StatusDelegate | protocol | A delegate protocol to receive status updates from the GazeTracker . |
CalibrationDelegate | protocol | A delegate protocol that provides status updates during the calibration process. |
ImageDelegate | protocol | A delegate protocol for receiving images from the front camera. |
CameraPreset | enum | Represents the available camera resolution presets. |
InitializationError | enum | Enum representing the different types of initialization errors that can occur during the setup of the Gaze Tracker system. |
CalibrationMode | enum | Enum representing the calibration mode types for starting calibration. Currently, available modes are default , onePoint , and fivePoint . default is set to the recommended mode, which is currently the five-point calibration mode. |
AccuracyCriteria | enum | Enum representing the accuracy criteria for starting calibration. |
TrackingState | enum | Enum representing the state of gaze tracking. |
EyeMovementState | enum | Enum representing the state of eye movement. |
ScreenState | enum | Enum representing the state of whether the gaze is inside or outside of the screen. |
StatusErrorType | enum | Enum that describes the reason why gaze tracking stopped. |
@objcMembers public class GazeTracker: NSObject
The main class that captures the user's face through the device's camera, processes it, and provides gaze data.
Requires the Camera Permission
Function | Description | Return Type | Type |
initGazeTracker | GazeTracker initialization requires a valid license key. | void | static |
releaseGazeTracker | Terminates the specified v instance. | void | static |
getFrameworkVersion | Returns the current SDK version. | String | static |
startTracking | Opens the camera and starts gaze tracking. | void | Member |
stopTracking | Closes the camera and stops gaze tracking. | void | Member |
isTracking | Checks whether the GazeTracker is currently tracking. | Bool | Member |
setDelegates | Registers multiple delegate at once. The method checks the type of each callback and assigns it to the appropriate field. | void | Member |
removeDelegates | Removes all currently set delegates. | void | Member |
setTrackingFPS | Sets the FPS (frames per second) for gaze tracking. | Bool | Member |
setCameraPreview | Sets the camera preview using the specified UIView . | void | Member |
removeCameraPreview | Removes the camera preview set in the GazeTracker. | void | Member |
setForcedOrientation | Set the forced device orientation for the GazeTracker. | Bool | Member |
resetForcedOrientation | Reset the forced device orientation for the GazeTracker. | Bool | Member |
startCalibration | Starts the calibration process. | Bool | Member |
stopCalibration | Stops the calibration process. | void | Member |
isCalibrating | Indicates whether the calibration process is currently active. | Bool | Member |
startCollectSamples | Notifies the GazeTracker that the UI has been updated with the coordinates provided by onCalibrationNextPoint and that the system is ready to start collecting user gaze data | void | Member |
setCalibrationData | Applies previously stored calibration data to the current GazeTracker. | void | Member |
setAttentionRegion | Sets the attention region using the specified coordinates. | void | Member |
getAttentionRegion | Retrieves the attention region. | CGRect? | Member |
removeAttentionRegion | Removes the currently set attention region. | void | Member |
static public func initGazeTracker(license: String,
delegate: InitializationDelegate,
options: GazeTrackerOptions? = nil)
GazeTracker initialization requires a valid license key. The created GazeTracker instance is delivered through InitializationDelegate.
The function is asynchronous.
Parameters | Type | Description |
license | String | The license key required to activate the GazeTracker. |
delegate | InitializationDelegate | The delegate to receive initialization status. |
options | GazeTrackerOptions | Optional GazeTracker configuration options. |
var options: GazeTrackerOptions? = nil;
if (useBlink) {
options = GazeTrackerOptions.Builder()
GazeTracker.initGazeTracker(license: "YOUR_LICENSE_KEY", delegate: initializationDelegate, options: options);
static public func releaseGazeTracker(tracker: GazeTracker?)
Terminates the specified GazeTracker instance.
Once terminated, the GazeTracker instance cannot be used.
Parameters | Type | Description |
tracker | GazeTracker | The GazeTracker instance to terminate. |
public void onInitialized(tracker: GazeTracker?, error: InitializationError) {
if (gazeTracker != nil) {
// gazeTracker init success
// you can deinit gazeTracker instance
GazeTracker.releaseGazeTracker(tracker: gazeTracker);
gazeTracker = nil;
} else {
// gazeTracker init fail
public static func getFrameworkVersion() -> String
Returns the current SDK version.
Return Type | Description |
String | A String representing the SDK version, or an error message if unavailable. |
let version = GazeTracker.getFrameworkVersion()
print("Eyedid SDK version : \(version)")
public func startTracking()
Opens the camera and starts gaze tracking.
On successful start, StatusDelegate.onStarted() is called.
func onStarted() {
// gazeTracker.startTracking() Success
public func stopTracking()
Closes the camera and stops gaze tracking.
On successful stop, StatusDelegate.onStopped() is called.
func onStopped(error: StatusError) {
// gazeTracker.stopTracking() Success
public func isTracking() -> Bool
Checks whether the GazeTracker is currently tracking.
Return Type | Description |
Bool | true if gaze tracking is active. |
let isTracking = gazeTracker.isTracking()
print("Tracking state : \(isTracking)")
public func setDelegates(
statusDelegate: StatusDelegate?,
trackingDelegate: TrackingDelegate?,
calibrationDelegate: CalibrationDelegate?,
imageDelegate: ImageDelegate?)
Registers multiple delegate at once. The method checks the type of each callback and assigns it to the appropriate field.
Parameters | Type | Description |
statusDelegate | StatusDelegate | A delegate protocol to receive status updates from the GazeTracker . |
trackingDelegate | TrackingDelegate | A delegate protocol to receive real-time tracking data from the GazeTracker . |
calibrationDelegate | CalibrationDelegate | A delegate protocol that provides status updates during the calibration process. |
imageDelegate | ImageDelegate | A delegate protocol for receiving images from the front camera. |
gazeTracker.setDelegate(statusDelegate: self, trackingDelegate: self, calibrationDelegate: self, imageDelegate: nil)
public func removeDelegates()
Removes all currently set delegates.
public func setTrackingFPS(fps: Int) -> Bool
Sets the FPS (frames per second) for gaze tracking. If the eyes cannot be detected, the FPS setting may not be applied (gaze tracking calculations are bypassed), and the actual FPS may be lower than the specified value depending on the device's performance.
fps must be greater than 0.
Parameters | Type | Description |
fps | Int | The desired frames per second for gaze tracking. |
Return Type | Description |
Bool | true if the FPS was successfully set, false otherwise. |
// Set the tracking FPS to 15
let isSuccess = gazeTracker.setTrackingFPS(fps: 15)
if (isSuccess) {
// Action to perform upon success
public func setCameraPreview(preview: UIView)
Sets the camera preview using the specified UIView.
Parameters | Type | Description |
preview | UIView | The UiView to be used for the camera preview. |
gazeTracker.setCameraPreview(preview: preview)
public func removeCameraPreview()
Removes the camera preview set in the GazeTracker.
public func setForcedOrientation(orientation: UIInterfaceOrientation) -> Bool
Set the forced device orientation for the GazeTracker.
This function sets the orientation of the device forcibly for certain situations. Specifically, when the device is in portrait lock mode and the developer wants to rotate it to landscape mode, the gaze coordinates also need to be rotated. However, the function only works when not in the calibration process, meaning that the device's orientation cannot be forcibly changed during calibration.
Parameters | Type | Description |
orientation | UIInterfaceOrientation | The forced device orientation. |
Return Type | Description |
Bool | True if the forced orientation is set successfully. False if the function is called during the calibration process. |
gazetracker.setForcedOrientation(orientation: .landscapeLeft)
public func resetForcedOrientation() -> Bool
Reset the forced device orientation for the GazeTracker.
This function resets the orientation of the device that was forcibly set by the setForcedOrientation function.
After this function is called, the device orientation will no longer be forcibly controlled, and the gaze coordinates will be determined based on the actual device orientation.
However, this function only works when not in the calibration process, meaning that the device's orientation cannot be forcibly changed during calibration.
Return Type | Description |
Bool | True if the forced orientation is reset successfully. False if the function is called during the calibration process. |
let isReset = gazetracker.resetForcedOrientation()
@MainActor @discardableResult
public func startCalibration(
mode: CalibrationMode = .default,
criteria: AccuracyCriteria = .default,
region: CGRect) -> Bool
Starts the calibration process.
Parameters | Type | Description |
mode | CalibrationMode | The number of points to be used for calibration. |
criteria | AccuracyCriteria | The accuracy criteria to be used for calibration. |
region | CGRect | Region that needs to be calibrated. The unit is point(pt). |
Return Type | Description |
Bool | true if the calibration process has started successfully, false otherwise. |
let startedResult = tracker.startCabliration(mode: .onePoint, region: CGRect(x: 100, y: 100, width: 100, height: 100))
public func stopCalibration()
Stops the calibration process.
if(gazeTracker.isCalibrating()) {
public func isCalibrating() -> Bool
Indicates whether the calibration process is currently active.
Return Type | Description |
Bool | true if the calibration process is ongoing. |
if(gazeTracker.isCalibrating()) {
print("current calibrating....")
public func startCollectSamples()
Notifies the GazeTracker that the UI has been updated with the coordinates provided by onCalibrationNextPoint and that the system is ready to start collecting user gaze data.
Ensure that this function is called after the UI has been updated and the user has had enough time to focus on the calibration point.
func onCalibrationNextPoint(x: Double, y: Double) {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.targetView.center = CGPoint(x: x, y: y)
public func setCalibrationData(calibrationData: [Double])
Applies previously stored calibration data to the current GazeTracker.
Parameters | Type | Description |
calibrationData | [Double] | An array of calibration values obtained after calibration is completed. |
func onCalibrationFinished(calibrationData: [Double]) {
saveData = calibrationData
gazeTracker.setCalibrationData(calibrationData: saveData)
public func setAttentionRegion(region: CGRect)
Sets the attention region using the specified coordinates.
default is UIScreen Bounds
Parameters | Type | Description |
region | CGRect | Attention region area |
// Set attention region that (x,y) = (100,100), (width, height) = 100,100
gazeTracker.setAttentionRegion(region: CGRect(x:100, y:100, width: 100, height: 100))
public func getAttentionRegion() -> CGRect?
Retrieves the attention region.
Return Type | Description |
CGRect? | CGRect representing the attention region in screen coordinates if the ROI (Region of Interest) is set, or null if the region is not set. |
if let region = tracker.getAttentionRegion() {
print("current attention region : \(region)")
public func removeAttentionRegion()
Removes the currently set attention region.
if let region = tracker.getAttentionRegion() {
@objc public class GazeTrackerOptions: NSObject {
public let useBlink: Bool
public let useUserStatus: Bool
public let useGazeFilter: Bool
public let maxConcurrency: Int
public let cameraPreset: CameraPreset
@objc public class Builder: NSObject {
Configuration options for creating a GazeTracker. GazeTrackerOptions allows you to specify settings such as blink detection, user status tracking, gaze filtering, and more. It uses the GazeTrackerOptions.Builder pattern to create an instance.
Properites | Type | Description |
useBlink | Bool | Enables blink detection. |
useUserStatus | Bool | Enables user status tracking. |
useGazeFilter | Bool | Applies a filter to smooth gaze data. |
maxConcurrency | Bool | Sets the maximum number of concurrent operations. |
cameraPreset | CameraPreset | Specifies the camera settings using CameraPreset. |
@objc public class Builder: NSObject
A builder for configuring and creating a GazeTrackerOptions instance.
Use the Builder class to set various options such as blink detection, user status tracking, gaze filtering, and more.
After configuring the desired options, call build()
to generate a GazeTrackerOptions instance.
Function | Description | Return Type |
build | Builds the GazeTrackerOptions instance with the specified settings. | GazeTrackerOptions |
setCameraPreset | Sets the camera resolution preset to be used for gaze tracking. | Builder |
setMaxConcurrency | Sets the maximum number of concurrent threads allowed for processing. | Builder |
setUseBlink | Sets whether to enable blink detection. | Builder |
setUseUserStatus | Sets whether to enable user status tracking (e.g., focus, drowsiness). | Builder |
setUseGazeFilter | Sets whether to apply a gaze filter to stabilize gaze tracking data. | Builder |
public func build() -> GazeTrackerOptions
Builds the GazeTrackerOptions instance with the specified settings.
Default Properties
- useBlink : false
- useUserStatus: false
- useGazeFilter: true
- maxConcurrency: 3
- cameraPreset : VGA640X480
let options = GazeTrackerOptions.Builder().build()
public func setCameraPreset(_ preset: CameraPreset) -> Builder
Sets the camera resolution preset to be used for gaze tracking.
Parameters | Type | Description |
preset | CameraPreset | The camera resolution preset to use. |
Return Type | Description |
GazeTrackerOptions.Builder | The Builder instance for method chaining. |
let options = GazeTrackerOptions.Builder()
public func setMaxConcurrency(_ maxConcurrency: Int) -> Builder
Sets the maximum number of concurrent threads allowed for processing.
If maxConcurrency
is 0, there is no limit on concurrency.
Parameters | Type | Description |
maxConcurrency | int | The maximum number of concurrent threads. |
Return Type | Description |
GazeTrackerOptions.Builder | The Builder instance for method chaining. |
let options = GazeTrackerOptions.Builder()
public func setUseBlink(_ useBlink: Bool) -> Builder
Sets whether to enable blink detection.
Parameters | Type | Description |
useBlink | Bool | true to enable blink detection, false to disable it. |
Return Type | Description |
GazeTrackerOptions.Builder | The Builder instance for method chaining. |
let options = GazeTrackerOptions.Builder()
public func setUseUserStatus(_ useUserStatus: Bool) -> Builder
Sets whether to enable user status tracking (e.g., focus, drowsiness).
Parameters | Type | Description |
useUserStatus | Bool | true to enable user status tracking, false to disable it. |
Return Type | Description |
GazeTrackerOptions.Builder | The Builder instance for method chaining. |
let options = GazeTrackerOptions.Builder()
public func setUseGazeFilter(_ useGazeFilter: Bool) -> Builder
Sets whether to apply a gaze filter to stabilize gaze tracking data.
Parameters | Type | Description |
useGazeFilter | Bool | true to apply the gaze filter, false to disable it. |
Return Type | Description |
GazeTrackerOptions.Builder | The Builder instance for method chaining. |
let options = GazeTrackerOptions.Builder()
public class GazeInfo: NSObject {
public let x: Double
public let y: Double
public let fixationX: Double
public let fixationY: Double
public let trackingState: TrackingState
public let eyeMovementState: EyeMovementState
public let screenState: ScreenState
A class that contains information about gaze tracking.
Properties | Type | Description |
x | Double | The x-coordinate value of the gaze point. The origin is the device screen, and the unit is in point(pt). |
y | Double | The y-coordinate value of the gaze point. The origin is the device screen, and the unit is in point(pt). |
fixationX | Double | The x-coordinate value of the last fixation point. The origin is the device screen, and the unit is in point(pt). |
fixationY | Double | The y-coordinate value of the last fixation point. The origin is the device screen, and the unit is in point(pt). |
trackingState | TrackingState | Enum indicating the tracking state of the camera image. |
eyeMovementState | EyeMovementState | Enum indicating the type of eye movement. |
screenState | ScreenState | Enum indicating whether the gaze has moved off the screen. |
public class FaceInfo: NSObject {
public let score: Double
public let rect: CGRect
public let pitch: Double
public let yaw: Double
public let roll: Double
public let imageSize: CGSize
public let centerX: Double
public let centerY: Double
public let centerZ: Double
A class containing information about face tracking.
When the camera is positioned at the top, we defined it as 0 degrees. (pitch, yaw, roll)
Properties | Type | Description |
score | Double | Confidence score for facial recognition, ranging from 0.0 (no confidence) to 1.0 (full confidence). |
rect | CGRect | The rectangle representing the face within the image, with its position and size expressed as relative values between 0 and 1. |
pitch | Double | Pitch refers to the rotation of the face around the X-axis. It is also known as the attitude angle, often referred to as the nose-up or nose-down angle in aviation. |
yaw | Double | Yaw refers to the rotation of the face around the Y-axis. It is also known as the heading angle, often referred to as the bearing or compass angle in aviation. |
roll | Double | Roll refers to the rotation of the face around the Z-axis. It is also known as the bank angle, often referred to as the wing-up or wing-down angle in aviation. |
imageSize | CGSize | The size of the image in which the face was detected. |
centerX | Double | The X-coordinate distance of the center of the face from the camera, in millimeters (mm). |
centerY | Double | The Y-coordinate distance of the center of the face from the camera, in millimeters (mm). |
centerZ | Double | The Z-coordinate distance of the center of the face from the camera, in millimeters (mm). |
public class BlinkInfo: NSObject {
public let isBlink: Bool
public let isBlinkLeft: Bool
public let isBlinkRight: Bool
public let leftOpenness: Double
public let rightOpenness: Double
Represents information about eye blinking.
Properties | Type | Description |
isBlink | Bool | Indicates if both eyes are blinking. |
isBlinkLeft | Bool | Indicates if the left eye is blinking. |
isBlinkRight | Bool | Indicates if the right eye is blinking. |
leftOpenness | Double | Open ratio of the left eye (0.0~1.0). |
rightOpenness | Double | Open ratio of the right eye (0.0~1.0). |
public class UserStatusInfo: NSObject {
public let isDrowsy: Bool
public let drowsinessIntensity: Double
public let attentionScore: Double
Represents information about user is status
Properties | Type | Description |
isDrowsy | Bool | |
drowsinessIntensity | Double | Intensity level of drowsiness, ranging from 0.0 (not drowsy) to 1.0 (very drowsy). |
attentionScore | Double | Score indicating the user's attention rate, ranging from 0.0 to 1.0. |
@objc public class OneEuroFilterManager: NSObject {
public static let DEFAULT_COUNT = 2
public static let DEFAULT_FREQUENCY = 30.0
public static let DEFAULT_MIN_CUT_OFF = 1.0
public static let DEFAULT_BETA = 0.007
public static let DEFAULT_D_CUT_OFF = 1.0
The OneEuroFilterManager class manages multiple One Euro Filters. This filter is used to reduce noise and smooth signals (e.g., gaze tracking data). Users can retrieve the filtered values and initialize filters with various settings through this class.
Function | Description | Return Type | Type |
init | Constructor | OneEuroFilterManager | Constructor |
filterValues | Filters the given values. | Bool | Member |
getFilteredValues | Returns the filtered values. | [Double] | Member |
public init(_ count: Int = DEFAULT_COUNT,
_ freq: Double = DEFAULT_FREQUENCY,
_ minCutOff: Double = DEFAULT_MIN_CUT_OFF,
_ beta: Double = DEFAULT_BETA,
_ dCutOff: Double = DEFAULT_D_CUT_OFF)
Parameters | Type | Description |
count | Int | The number of filters to use. |
freq | Double | The frequency to be used by the filter (Hz). |
minCutOff | Double | The minimum cutoff frequency. |
beta | Double | The beta value (adjusts the response speed). |
dCutOff | Double | The derivative cutoff value. |
public func filterValues(timestamp: Int, val: [Double]) -> Bool
Filters the given values.
Parameters | Type | Description |
timestamp | Int | The current timestamp (ms). |
val | [Double] | The values to be filtered. |
Return Type | Description |
Bool | true if filtering was successful, false otherwise. |
// Attempt to filter the gaze coordinates using the OneEuroFilterManager
if oneEuroFilterManager.filterValues(timestamp:timestamp, val: [gazeInfo.x, gazeInfo.y]) {
// If successful, notify that the values have been filtered
print("Successfully filtered values: (\(gazeInfo.x), \(gazeInfo.y))")
} else {
// If unsuccessful, notify that the filtering has failed
print("Failed to filter values.")
public func getFilteredValues() -> [Double]
Returns the filtered values.
Return Type | Description |
[Double] | An array of filtered values. |
// Attempt to filter the gaze coordinates using the OneEuroFilterManager
if oneEuroFilterManager.filterValues(timestamp:timestamp, val: [gazeInfo.x, gazeInfo.y]) {
// If successful, notify that the values have been filtered
let values = oneEuroFilterManager.getFilteredValues()
print("Successfully filtered values: (\(values[0]), \(values[1]))")
} else {
// If unsuccessful, notify that the filtering has failed
print("Failed to filter values.")
@objc public protocol InitializationDelegate
A delegate protocol to receive the results of the GazeTracker initialization. Implement this protocol to handle the outcomes of the GazeTracker initialization attempt. The delegate methods notify whether the initialization was successful or if an error occurred.
function |
onInitialized |
func onInitialized(tracker: GazeTracker?, error: InitializationError)
Called when theGazeTracker initialization is completed. If successful, a valid GazeTracker instance is provided. If failed, the GazeTracker will be null.
See Authentication for more details.
Parameters | Type | Description |
tracker | GazeTracker? | The GazeTracker instance if initialization was successful, otherwise null. |
error | InitializationError | The type of error if initialization failed,represented by InitializationErrorType. |
public void onInitialized(tracker: GazeTracker?, error: InitializationErrorType) {
if (tracker != null) {
this.tracker = tracker;
} else {
switch (error) {
case InitializationErrorType.none:
// Handle no error
case InitializationErrorType.errorInit:
// Handle initialization error
@objc public protocol TrackingDelegate
A delegate protocol to receive real-time tracking data from the GazeTracker. Implement this protocol to handle gaze, face, blink, and user status metrics during a tracking session.
function |
onMetrics |
func onMetrics(
timestamp: Int,
gazeInfo: GazeInfo,
faceInfo: FaceInfo,
blinkInfo: BlinkInfo,
userStatusInfo: UserStatusInfo)
Called when new tracking metrics are available.
Parameters | Type | Description |
timestamp | Int | The timestamp when the metrics were captured (in milliseconds). |
gazeInfo | GazeInfo | Information about the gaze position and validity. |
faceInfo | FaceInfo | Information about the face position and orientation. |
blinkInfo | BlinkInfo | Information about the blink status. |
userStatusInfo | UserStatusInfo | Information about the user's status (e.g., attention level, drowsiness). |
func onMetrics(
timestamp : Int,
gazeInfo: GazeInfo,
faceInfo: FaceInfo,
blinkInfo: BlinkInfo,
userStatusInfo: UserStatusInfo) {
// do sometings
@objc public protocol StatusDelegate
A delegate protocol to receive status updates from the GazeTracker.
function |
onStarted |
onStopped |
func onStarted()
Called automatically after GazeTracker.startTracking() succeeds. Once this method is called, actions like calibration, preview, etc., are available.
func onStarted() {
func onStopped(error: StatusError)
Called when gaze tracking stops.
Parameters | Type | Description |
error | StatusError | The error parameter will be StatusError.none if gaze tracking stopped after GazeTracker.stopTracking() was called, but will have different values for different statuses. |
func onStopped(error: StatusErrorType) {
if (error != .none) {
// onStopped with error
} else {
// onStopped without error
@objc public protocol CalibrationDelegate
A delegate protocol that provides status updates during the calibration process.
Methods of CalibrationDelegate are called on the main thread. Please use DispatchQueue.main.async()
when updating the UI to ensure that all UI changes are made on the main thread.
function |
onCalibrationNextPoint |
onCalibrationProgress |
onCalibrationFinished |
func onCalibrationNextPoint(x: Double, y: Double)
Provides the coordinates for the next calibration point. After receiving the coordinates, display the calibration point on the screen and wait for a certain period to allow the user to focus on it. Then proceed by calling startCollectSamples().
Parameters | Type | Description |
x | Double | The x-coordinate of the next calibration target. The origin is at the top-left of the device screen. Measured in points (pt). |
y | Double | The y-coordinate of the next calibration target. The origin is at the top-left of the device screen. Measured in points (pt). |
func onCalibrationNextPoint(x: Double, y: Double) {
// Draw Calibration Point(x,y) in view.
// than call startCollectSamples to proceed calibration.
func onCalibrationProgress(progress: Double)
Provides the calibration progress. The progress value increases when the startCollectSamples() function is called.
Visualizing the calibration progression with proper UI is recommended to improve UX.
Parameters | Type | Description |
progress | Double | The calibration progress for each point, typically ranging from 0.0 to 1.0. |
func onCalibrationProgress(progress: Double) {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.progressView.setProgress(progress : progress)
func onCalibrationFinished(calibrationData: [Double])
Called when calibration is finished.
To avoid re-calibrating when restarting the app, pass the stored calibration data via GazeTracker.setCalibrationData().
Parameters | Type | Description |
calibrationData | [Double] | The calibration data to be stored or used later. |
func onCalibrationFinished(calibrationData: [Double]) {
// remove calibration UI, save calibration data
saveCalibrationDataForLaterUse(data: calibrationData);
@objc public protocol ImageDelegate
A delegate protocol for receiving images from the front camera.
function |
onImage |
func onImage(timestamp: Int, image: CMSampleBuffer)
Called when a new image frame is captured by the front camera.
The image is in kCVPixelFormatType_32BGRA
The image orientation is rotated 90 degrees counterclockwise from the portrait orientation.
Parameters | Type | Description |
timestamp | Int | The timestamp when the camera frame was captured, in milliseconds since the Unix epoch (UTC). |
image : | CMSampleBuffer | A CMSampleBuffer containing the image data from the camera. |
func onImage(timestamp: Int, image: CMSampleBuffer) {
// Convert CMSampleBuffer to UIImage
if let uiImage = imageFromSampleBuffer(image) {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
// Assuming imageView is your UIImageView instance
self.imageView.image = uiImage
func imageFromSampleBuffer(_ sampleBuffer: CMSampleBuffer) -> UIImage? {
guard let pixelBuffer = CMSampleBufferGetImageBuffer(sampleBuffer) else {
return nil
let ciImage = CIImage(cvPixelBuffer: pixelBuffer)
let context = CIContext()
if let cgImage = context.createCGImage(ciImage, from: ciImage.extent) {
return UIImage(cgImage: cgImage)
return nil
@objc public enum CameraPreset: Int
Represents the available camera resolution presets. Allows the user to select a specific camera resolution for the GazeTracker.
Name | Description |
vga | VGA resolution (640x480), suitable for low-resolution requirements. |
hd | HD resolution (1280x720), suitable for standard high-definition needs. |
fhd | Full HD resolution (1920x1080), suitable for high-resolution requirements. |
The resolution size associated with the preset.
var resolution: CGSize {
switch self {
case .vga:
return CGSize(width: 640, height: 480)
case .hd:
return CGSize(width: 1280, height: 720)
case .fullHD:
return CGSize(width: 1920, height: 1080)
@objc public enum InitializationError: Int
Enum representing the different types of initialization errors that can occur during the setup of the Gaze Tracker system. Please read : Authentication for more details.
Returns string value of enum.
public var description: String {
switch self {
case .errorNone:
return "ERROR_NONE"
case .errorInit:
return "ERROR_INIT"
case .errorCameraPermission:
case .authInvalidKey:
case .authInvalidEnvUsedDevInProd:
case .authInvalidEnvUsedProdInDev:
case .authInvalidPackageName:
case .authInvalidAppSignature:
case .authExceededFreeTier:
case .authDeactivatedKey:
case .authInvalidAccess:
case .authUnknownError:
case .authServerError:
case .authCannotFindHost:
case .authWrongLocalTime:
case .authInvalidKeyFormat:
case .authExpiredKey:
case .errorNotAdvancedTier:
@objc public enum CalibrationMode: Int
Enum representing the calibration mode types for starting calibration. Currently, available modes are default
, onePoint
, and fivePoint
. default
is set to the recommended mode, which is currently the five-point calibration mode.
Name | Description |
default | Default calibration mode, which is set to the recommended mode. In the current version, this is the five-point calibration mode. |
onePoint | One-point calibration mode |
fivePoint | Five-point calibration mode |
Returns string value of enum.
public var description: String {
switch self {
case .onePoint:
return "ONE_POINT"
case .fivePoint:
return "FIVE_POINT"
case .default:
return "DEFAULT"
@objc public enum AccuracyCriteria: Int, Codable
Enum representing the accuracy criteria for starting calibration
Name | Description |
default | Default calibration accuracy criteria. |
low | Low calibration accuracy criteria. |
high | High calibration accuracy criteria. |
@objc public enum TrackingState: Int
Enum representing the state of gaze tracking
Name | Description |
success | Gaze tracking is successful, and both gaze and face are detected. |
faceMissing | The face is not detected, which means gaze tracking is not possible. |
gazeNotFound | The gaze is not detected, but the face is still tracked. |
Returns string value of enum.
public var description: String {
switch self {
case .success:
return "SUCCESS"
case .gazeNotFound:
case .faceMissing:
@objc public enum EyeMovementState: Int
Enum representing the state of eye movement.
Name | Description |
fixation | The eye is fixated on a specific point. |
saccade | The eye is moving rapidly between points (saccadic movement). |
unknown | The eye movement state is unknown or cannot be determined. |
Returns string value of enum.
public var description: String {
switch self {
case .fixation:
return "FIXATION"
case .saccade:
return "SACCADE"
case .unknown:
return "UNKNOWN"
@objc public enum ScreenState: Int
Enum representing the state of whether the gaze is inside or outside of the screen.
Name | Description |
insideOfScreen | The gaze is within the bounds of the screen. |
outsideOfScreen | The gaze is outside the bounds of the screen. |
unknown | The gaze state is unknown or cannot be determined. |
Returns string value of enum.
public var description: String {
switch self {
case .insideOfScreen:
case .outsideOfScreen:
case .unknown:
return "UNKNOWN"
@objc public enum StatusError: Int
Enum that describes the reason why gaze tracking stopped.
Name | Description |
none | No error occurred, and gaze tracking stopped due to a stopTracking call. |
cameraStart | Gaze tracking stopped because an error occurred when trying to start the camera. |
cameraInterrupt | Gaze tracking stopped because the camera was interrupted. |
Returns string value of enum.
public var description: String {
switch self {
case .none:
return "ERROR_NONE"
case .cameraStart:
case .cameraInterrupt: